Thursday, October 12, 2017

Gamblin Oil Ground

What do you do with all of your plein air panels once you have painted on them and want to reuse them?  I have tried sanding and toning them and sanding  and using oil kilz from the paint store.  The other day I bought Gambin oil ground and watched the video on how to apply it.  I got all the tools ready, credit card, oil ground, gamsol or turb, palette knife and paint roller.  Then I watched the video.  I added a little gamsol to the oil ground and mixed it up on my  palette.  After applying then I  spread it with a credit card.  Then I lightly rolled it with a roller.  I did eighteen of these.  I guess I had a lot of plein air mistakes.  I have let them dry for three days and I should be all set to paint another eighteen masterpieces.
I was also listening to Leslie Saeta blog talk radio today.  Her co host suggested a book called "Backpacker Painting Outdoors with Oil and Pastel" by Michael Chesley Johnson.  Maybe after I read his book I won't need to paint over so many panels.  Enjoy your day.

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