Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 8 Sold

30 Marketing Ideas in 30 Days

Day 8

Today I am letting my followers know which paintings on my Blog that have been sold.  Watch for the
sold sign.


"The Golden Path"  This sold a while ago but was never seen on my blog before.


  1. I followed your photo button over here from Leslie's blog and am so glad I did (I am a little behind--just did my photo button today). I am enjoying seeing your work and meeting a fellow North Carolinian (at least I think you are from your bio). I look forward to looking through more of your blog... (if this comment is a duplicate, I wouldn't mind if you delete one of them! My connection went haywire the first time I tried to post this and I don't know if it sent. Thanks...)

  2. Hi Meredith, I looked at your photo button and blog. Thank you for commenting. I like your statement "Paint like nobody is Watching". That is a good thing to remember to paint for ourselves first and hopes that somebody is watching. Yes, I live in Charlotte. I did Leslie's workshop here last October. It was wonderful.

  3. Very nice to meet you and discover your art. I keep being pulled over here by your posts at Leslie's!

