Monday, September 26, 2016

Day 26 "Symbols"

30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 26
7" x 5"
Oil on canvas panel

Various markers lead the way to Santiago de Compostela.  This ancient stone marker is filled with symbols.  On the left in blue is the scallop which is always found to mark the way to the church of St. James.  The cross is the symbol of St. James.  The "Stones of Sorrow" are placed on the marker.  Some bring them from home or like me, I would pick up one and carry to one of the special places that we stopped.


  1. Carol - I love your subject material! I too have been intrigued by el Camino de Santiago. If you go to my blogpost from last Sept. 2015 - you can scroll down to read my 'take' on the Camino. The shell is a part of many of my paintings throughout that 30 day challenge. It still appears now from time to time...

  2. Thank you for your comment. I did several painting from the Camno two years ago. I did landscapes. This is the first time I painted the symbols. I love your painting from last year. It took me a minute to find the scallop shell. Very inspiring.

